Recently, I have been using Maya again, and found it necessary to batch process a whole bunch of animations from .ma to .fbx. I couldn't find anything really useful online so ended up writing this MEL script. In this case there is a reference file 'Avatar_Player' that needs to be imported also. Feel free to use, modify and enjoy!
// Define Your File Paths
// movelist.txt is your list of motion files. I used the old DOS command 'dir /w > movelist.txt' to generate mine
string $filePath = "C:\\Projects\\animations\\batch_test\\movelist.txt" ;
string $mainfolder = "C:\\Projects\\animations\\batch_test" ;
string $outfolder = "C:\\Projects\\animations\\batch_test\\dump" ;
// Open Your File
$fileId = `fopen $filePath "r"` ;
// Get The First Line
string $nextLine = `fgetline $fileId` ;
// Loop Until The String Size Is Zero (No Data)
while (size($nextLine) > 0) {
// Strip Whitespace From The Beginning And End Of The Line
string $cleanLine = strip($nextLine) ;
// Print Line & Open File
file -f -new;
print ($cleanLine+"\n") ;
file -o -f ($mainfolder + "\\" + $cleanLine);
// Do the work
//bind joints
select -r Avatar_Player:superMoverAll ;
setAttr "Avatar_Player:superMoverAll.bindJoints" 1;
//import reference object
file -importReference;
//collapse Namespace to Root
namespace -mergeNamespaceWithRoot -removeNamespace "WGT_Baseball_Player";
// do the bake. Define minTime and maxTime to ensure whole animation is exported
//select -r Root ;
float $minTime = `playbackOptions -q -minTime`;
float $maxTime = `playbackOptions -q -maxTime`;
bakeResults -simulation true -t ($minTime +":" + $maxTime) -sampleBy 1 -disableImplicitControl true -preserveOutsideKeys true -sparseAnimCurveBake false -removeBakedAttributeFromLayer false -bakeOnOverrideLayer false -minimizeRotation true -controlPoints false -shape true {"Root"};
//performBakeSimulationArgList 1 { "0", "animationList"};
// Save FBX
//select -r Root ;
FBXExport -f ($outfolder + "\\" + $cleanLine);
// Get Next Line And Continue
$nextLine = `fgetline $fileId` ;